
Sinks are endpoints and have at least one input but no output.

File writer

class write

Writes input data to the file system. Support for writing depends on compile support, however raw (.raw) files can always be written. TIFF (.tif and .tiff), HDF5 (.h5) and JPEG (.jpg and .jpeg) might be supported additionally.

"filename": string

Format string specifying the location and filename pattern of the written data. It must contain at most one integer format specifier that denotes the current index of a series. For example, "data-%03i.tif" produces data-001.tif, data-002.tif and so on. If no specifier is given, the data is written preferably to a single file (i.e. multi-tiff, HDF5 data set). If no filename is given the data is written as-is to stdout.

"counter-start": uint

Sets the counter that replaces the format specifier. Initially, it is set to 0.

"counter-step": uint

Determines the number of steps the counter replacing the format specifier is incremented. Initially, it is set to 1.

"append": boolean

Append rather than overwrite if TRUE.

"bits": uint

Number of bits to store the data if applicable to the file format. Possible values are 8 and 16 which are saved as integer types and 32 bit float. By default, the minimum and maximum for scaling is determined automatically, however depending on the use case you should override this with the minimum and maximum properties. To avoid rescaling, set the rescale property to FALSE.

"minimum": float

This value will represent zero for discrete bit depths, i.e. 8 and 16 bit.

"minimum": float

This value will represent the largest possible value for discrete bit depths, i.e. 8 and 16 bit.

"rescale": boolean

If TRUE and bits is set to a value less than 32, rescale values either by looking for minimum and maximum values or using the values provided by the user.

For JPEG files the following property applies:

"jpeg-quality": uint

JPEG quality value between 0 and 100. Higher values correspond to higher quality and larger file sizes.

Memory writer

class memory-out

Writes input to a given memory location. Unlike input and output tasks this can be used to interface with other code more directly, e.g. to write into a NumPy buffer:

from gi.repository import Ufo
import numpy as np
import tifffile

ref = tifffile.imread('data.tif')
a = np.zeros_like(ref)

pm = Ufo.PluginManager()
g = Ufo.TaskGraph()
sched = Ufo.Scheduler()
read = pm.get_task('read')
out = pm.get_task('memory-out')

read.props.path = 'data.tif'
out.props.pointer = a.__array_interface__['data'][0]
out.props.max_size = ref.nbytes

g.connect_nodes(read, out)

assert np.sum(a - ref) == 0.0
"pointer": ulong

Pointer to pre-allocated memory.

"max-size": ulong

Size of the pre-allocated memory area in bytes. Data is written up to that point only.

ZeroMQ publisher

class zmq-pub

Publishes the stream as a ZeroMQ data stream to compatible ZeroMQ subscribers such as the zmq-sub source.

"expected-subscribers": uint

If set, the publisher will wait until the number of expected subscribers have connected.

Auxiliary sink


class null

Eats input and discards it.

"download": boolean

If TRUE force final data transfer from device to host if necessary.

"finish": boolean

Call finish on the associated command queue.

"durations": boolean

Print durations computed from timestamps on stderr.