OpenCL default kernels

This section lists all kernel functions that are available to the opencl filter if no filename is specified.

void fix_nan_and_inf()

Sets element to 0.0 if it is NaN or Inf.

void absorptivity()

Computes \(f(x) = -log(x)\).

void nlm_noise_reduction()

Smooths data within a local neighbourhood.

void diff()

Computes \(f(x, y) = x - y\).

OpenCL reduction default kernels

This section lists all kernel functions that are available to the opencl-reduce filter if no filename is specified. These kernels are supposed to be used for the kernel argument.

void minimum()

Computes the minimum of each pixel in the stream.

void maximum()

Computes the maximum of each pixel in the stream.

void sum()

Computes the sum of each pixel in the stream.

These kernels are supposed to be used in the finish argument:

void divide()

Divides each pixel by the stream count. Together with sum this can be used to compute the average, i.e.:

ufo-launch .. ! opencl-reduce kernel=sum finish=divide ! ..